Met verdriet delen wij mee dat Dr. Khurana onlangs is overleden. Dr. Nachiket en zijn team zullen de praktijk overnemen. U kunt een fysieke afspraak maken in Weesp of een videoconsult boeken. De dokter communiceert in het Engels.

Short review of my way into serious health problems and the way back into enjoyable life

State before the operation:
severe abdominal pain
stomach cramps
fainting in public places

medical diagnosis: colon cancer, intestinal obstruction;

advice of doctor: immediate operation is necessary

operation: partial resection of small intestine (90cm), incl. colon flap

the ensuing time is characterized by continuous diarrhea and loss of weight

doctor prescribes medicine against diarrhea

all bodily functions weaken

the medicine prescribed does not ease the paine and stop my weakening. Continued loss of weight.

Homeopathic treatment causes relief, especially psychologically

Loss of weight continues

A Dutch friend suggests trying Ayurvedic medicine and recommends doctor Dr. Khurana

The first appointment: a detailed anamnese talk including pulse and tongue diagnosis. The topic nutrition is discussed in great detail, the health status is defined und a path towards health is outlined.

Detailed information concerning the design of a healthy diet und the prescription of potent ayurvedic drugs mark a trend reversal.

Less incidents of diarrhea. Less incidents of fainting. A feeling of slowly growing power establishes.

In regular meetings, first every 2 weeks, then monthly, the effects of changing my nutrition

and of the prescribed drugs are discussed and meaningful adjustments concerning the dosis are made. The recurring talks with Dr. Khurana create an idea of the necessary changes in my way of life. The conscious perception of the normalization of my body functions fills me with confidence and joy. My nervous system relaxes noticeably.

My body weight slowly increases.

I feel more secure in my skin and am confident concerning my physical power.

Today I feel well and can eat almost everything, despite very spicy food. My digestion works normally. Even long distance journeys to China or Indonesia or longer stays abroad are possible now. This is wonderful. Thank you Ayurveda, thank you Dr. Khurana.